What’s Growing on with the Apprentices

What’s Growing on with the Apprentices

We are thrilled to welcome the Fruit & Vegetable Apprentices to the blog this month! They have been with us since mid-May, tending to our organic, no-till production plots in West Bay and in the greenhouses. Our Fruit & Vegetable Apprentices come from all over the country, and learn the ins and outs of organic, regenerative agriculture during their six months with us.  

We asked them a series of questions about how their experience has been at Wolfe’s Neck Center, and the responses are heartwarming and interesting. We summed up their learnings and observations from the year in the following reflections: 

  • It is all about the company you keep! Make sure to bring each other joy, no matter the weather or the bug situation.

Mila and Alli supplying the Farm Store with fresh produce for CSA shares.

  • There is a lot of coordination that goes into planning a successful farming season. But, on the flipside, no matter how many plans you make, things always change and the changes are usually last minute.  It’s important to be flexible!

Apprentices working hard to keep the crops healthy through weeding.

  • It is extremely rewarding to enjoy a meal that you grew yourself! Whether snacking on cherry tomatoes in the field or making a dish with Swiss chard, it feels good to know that your labor went into making something delicious. 

Alli harvesting strawberries in the field located in West Bay.

  • There is always more to learn. From no-till farming practices to composting, farming is a lifelong learning journey.

Sylvia and Mila harvesting strawberries in the field located in West Bay.

  • Long, hot days in the field make us dream of humidity levels dropping and harvesting squash! The drought this summer has made for more time spent watering and tending to the unique needs of the variety of produce. This is something that is weighing heavy on our minds as the climate continues to change. 


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