Sienna Zuco

Sienna Zuco joins us in the role of OpenTEAM’s Communications & Engagement Manager. In this role, Sienna helps share OpenTEAM’s work and vision to Wolfe’s Neck Center’s audiences and beyond.

Growing up in North Carolina, Sienna felt lucky to be surrounded by local foods, good southern cooking, and such a beautiful environment. She lived just a few hours from both the beach and the mountains; two of the things she has found in Maine thus far, and then some!

During her studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and upon graduation, she has worked in various communications and project management roles. From creating interconnected support systems with refugees to advocating for the local food system, she uses communications and project development as key ways to further sustainability, local food, and community-centered objectives. When she is not working, you can find Sienna quilting, watching a good movie, or in the kitchen finding new recipes and building community with friends and family.

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