Katie Coffin

I grew up 1.5 miles down the road from Wolfe’s Neck Center. My family is known for being one of the oldest families to have been established in Freeport. Growing up and being from a fisherman family I would come here all the time because my dad dug clams by the bridge and in Middle Bay. I was always around animals growing up. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents who always had horses, chickens, and too many dogs to count.
I first became interested in this program when I shadowed Matt DeGrandpre for my senior project in high school. My coworker Corinne, “Corn”, also inspired me to do this program and helped motivate me as well to get into the dairy industry. I hope to be able to learn all the skills that I need to run a successful dairy farm and operate equipment.
On my free time I like to go fishing, explore further into maine, and spend time with my family.
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