Garden Ramblings by Linda Swanson, Head Gardener

Garden Ramblings by Linda Swanson, Head Gardener

by Linda Swanson, Head Gardener

Even though it’s FREEZING outside and there is fresh snow on the ground, our thoughts are on colorful flowers and the sweet smell of soil…  Yes, Spring will be here before you know it, so we want to be ready! Where can you work outdoors in a more beautiful setting than the Wolfe’s Neck Farm?  The smell of green pastures mixed with ocean breezes, animals all around, beautiful barns, a classic old farmhouse, and surrounded by lots of friends.  You just can’t beat it!!!  The following list will remind you of all that we do here at the Farm to keep it looking so beautiful and so well-cared-for.

GARDEN CHAIRMEN for Summer 2013

Coleen’s Garden – Julie Nisbet
Farmhouse Landscape – Barbara Caldwell
Flower Barrels – Jeanne Kinney
Center Garden – Kathy Smith
Blueberry Patches – Judy Higbea
2 small Cutting Gardens – Melisa Walker and Erica Skolnekovich
Mr. McGregor’s Garden – Eric’s AG students
Kindergarden – Eric’s campers
Gourd Gardens – Eric’s AG students
West Bay Garden – Gang of 3
Animal Names Garden – Gang of 3
All Recompence Gardens – Gang of 3

“Gang of 3” =  Libby Rosquette, Judy Parkhill, Jeanne Kinney

United Day of Caring Workshop in Thursday, May 16th 9-3 – Jane Danielson

Master Gardeners’ Workshop May 11th 9-1 – Jane Danielson

WNF Plant Sale in May 18th 9-1 -Tim Lewis (co-chair needed!)

Our Plant Sale each May is lots of fun, we always have a lot of donations from our friends’ gardens, we already have volunteers to “work the sale”, and it’s a very big fundraiser for the Farm.   So would anyone like to help us out and chair this worthwhile event?  Please call me (Linda) if you have any questions about it.   865-6916

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